A downloadable game for Windows

Zombie Hunt is a post-apocalyptic top-down arcade shooter where you loot and survive each floor of a building full of zombies.

Slowly making your way down to the city. Gathering weapons, and other useful items along the way.

Can you reach the bottom floor?

Objective - Gameplay

Your main objective is to reach the bottom floor of the building, you do this by using an elevator. Inconveniently.. The elevator has been damaged, and it can only descend and its also struggling with power making you stop and wait at every floor. You can use this time to loot up and clear that floor of zombies. By the time your done, the elevator will be ready to go again.

Boss battles
Every once in a while you will encounter bosses: Zombies that are much more powerful than the others, be careful around them as every one of them behaves differently and has different abilities.

You can find loot on any floor of the building, and loot will be lost every time you die --> your run ends when you die and you can return to the menu to play again.

Menu Store


You can buy items in the menu store for in game money that you get for playing the game. You can choose an item, and buy it in the menu store --> this way when you start your next run you will spawn with the item you bought in the menu store. The item will be lost at the end of the run.

    >Loot crates

With the in game currency, you can also buy loot crates. Loot crates contain cosmetic items that won't be lost when you die. These cosmetic items are purely cosmetic and don't change gameplay in any way.

This is the first game I've ever published, I am very open to constructive criticism but keep it friendly please.

Check out my YouTube Channel


ZombieHunt 48 MB

Install instructions

Extract the .zip file into a new folder

run the .exe file

if the 'windows protected your pc' prompt comes up, press 'more info' and 'run anyway'. If you are not familiar with this prompt, continue reading.


The 'windows protected your pc' prompt will likely appear, this is because windows doesn't know where the file came from.

If you are having doubts about the game being safe, check out this VIRUSTOTAL scan I did. Or scan it yourself with another tool if you want.

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